Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 31....or is it Day 1 of the next 30?

Still shrinking, and starting to finally think I look different. The jeans I started wearing 2 weeks ago, are getting loose enough to require hitching up from time to time. I wore another pair I found, that had a receipt in the pocket from almost 3 years ago. A friend of mine thinks my attitude is becoming more positive. I never thought I was negative, but he did. It makes sense though, because I was hiding. Hiding because my image of myself was disgusting to me. Now, it's getting better, so maybe that shows. Next subject~~~~~~~~~~~

Ask someone what their goals in life are? Most likely, they will say things like, "taking care of my family, losing weight, finding a good job, or getting a new car." These aren't really goals. They are wishes, hopes, desires, dreams of things that could be. Life without a real goal is like riding a bicycle without a destination, and eventually, you will just come to a stop. Goals can be long or short term, but to be a true goal, there are some things that have to be in place or the chances of success are minimal.

I was a very successful salesperson at one point in time. I was so good, that people thought I had some sort of magic secret about me. They wanted to talk to me and be near me. I did. The secret behind my success was not what they wanted to know about, though. That is because the secret was no secret at all. It was hard work, and I mean committed hard work, and goal setting.

A true goal has to be concrete. It needs to be written down. There has to be a beginning and an end. Sometimes, it needs to be broken down into achievable mini-goals to make it to the end. Saying "I want to lose weight by Christmas" means hardly anything. That is still just a desire. Instead, figure out how many days you have before Christmas. Figure out how much weight you want to lose. Then, divide the weight by the days or weeks. Write it down. "Lose 2.5 pounds a week for X number of weeks." If you want to lose 100 lbs. in 4 weeks, well, you best rearrange that goal into something more realistic. Once you have a good goal that you can do, make a plan and write that down too. Writing it down makes you more accountable. It also makes you feel really good when you can cross that goal off and make another. 

Floating through life keeps us from getting anywhere. I have wanted to move closer to my work for several years. I know the main reason that I have not, is because I never have taken the time to set a concrete goal, a time line and a plan to achieve my wish. What the heck has this to do with juicing? I'm getting to it!!!!!

Going on a juice fast will be more successful if you have a good goal in mind before you start. You can change it, add to it, change the way you think about it. I see so many of these...."Well this is day 1, giving this a try". Doomed to fail. If 15 or 30 or 60 days is too much to think about, try thinking, "this is Day 1 of 7." Then the next week, you have Day 1 of 7, again. Depending on your ultimate goal, breaking it down makes it more manageable. The mind is much more powerful than people realize and you can use it to help you, by tricking it. Think and imagine yourself achieving your goals. Your mind will believe that you can, and you will. Just take the time to write down your goals and make a plan. That's the best way to keep from falling off your bike.

Well, I hope this all makes sense (and it wasn't too long.) It does to me because I have used these ideas many times in the past and done what ever it was that I set out to do. I just need to remember.... and stop floating through my own life.

Ride on and Juice on!!


  1. "A true goal has to be concrete. It needs to be written down. There has to be a beginning and an end"

    I totally agree with all your wrote. This has been on my mind for the last couple of weeks. My mini and major goals are critical to my weight loss, but I realized I did not have an end goal. Part of the reason was because the weight loss number to reach the end felt more like a fantasy and unrealistic.

    I finally wrote a blog post on all this and will post the next time I have nothing else to write about (I prefer only 1 post a day) and I have finally set an end goal and will be updating my mini goals too.

  2. Wow, so cool! Thanks for the comment. I only do one blog a day too, even though sometimes I think, "ooooo I should have mentioned that!"

  3. You are in so much trouble.. I just figured out I could comment...

  4. Oh{{{{{{eeeeeek!}}}}} nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, it's Big Daddy/2!
