Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 35.............what's that awful taste

Sometimes when I wake up in the night, my mouth tastes like ass. I brush my teeth and floss before bed, so what is this nastiness? I actually know what it is. It's from ketosis. It used to happen to me 7-8 years ago when I did the Atkins thing for awhile. Here is what happens.....from the Wiki....

"When glycogen stores are not available in the cells, fat (triacylglycerol) is cleaved to give 3 fatty acid chains and 1 glycerol molecule in a process called lipolysis. Most of the body is able to use fatty acids as an alternative source of energy in a process called beta-oxidation. One of the products of beta-oxidation is acetyl-CoA, which can be further used in the Krebs cycle. During prolonged fasting or starvation, acetyl-CoA in the liver is used to produce ketone bodies instead, leading to a state of ketosis."

In between all the chemical-babble, there are 3 really important words, "fat is cleaved." What does that mean? It means that the chemical being tasted in the mouth, is there because fat cells are being broken down.  Now that's what I'm talkin about! It helps to know what is going on. If the taste really bothers you, keep a glass of water by the bed.

Good news, I was able to do 3.2 miles yesterday without stopping or walking. It wasn't easy and I am so slow, but now I know that I can go the distance. I will need to work on building up now, so I am a bit faster. I am sure I could have walked just as fast.

Is there a way to change the time this blog site thinks I am in? I believe it's on CMT, 2 hours earlier than my actual time. (nothing to do with juicing) I know others have blogs, so was wondering if anyone else has noticed the issue.

That's all for today...........juice on!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. On my stuff, it's part of "Google Account" info.

    *To access it from here, go to "Dashboard"
    *then "My Account" tab
    *click "edit your personal info" (on mine it was under a blank picture...)
    *use the drop down triangle to choose "Time Zone - optional"
    *then "save"
