Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day Five, man alive!

What a lovely day it is today! I slept well and have lost 5.5 lbs. I honestly don't know how, with all the liquid I've been taking in.

Yesterday, I made my spreadsheet of what I will need for one week. This morning, I did an inventory of what I have on hand and then adjusted the totals so I would get just what I need. Then I went shopping. Got only one extra thing, a sweet potato, because I used one for juice this morning, and really liked it. So I plan to adjust my breakfast some. I also found 2.5 galllon jumbo zip-top bags which will make preparing things ahead of time easier for me. I did not include this in my total, because I'm just being lazy on that and it isn't required. I spent a total of $37.23. Remember, I did have some inventory left, so next week it will be more. However, I read somewhere that someone was spending about $50 a week, so that is about right. Wow, $200.00 a month for food? For one person? Eating poorly is way cheaper.

The challenge for me, when I am done with this, will be to find ways to eat healthier on the cheap. There is no way I am going to spend that much money for food. Back in the day, when I really was Skinny Vic, I was fairly poor, but very active. I also only ate when I was hungry. Now I know what  all the research says, but for me, this was only about once a day. Hey, it worked for me and I was very healthy. But, being older and learning all about the miconutrients in juice, I know that I will keep having a juice everyday. I am hooked.

So do you want to see my list? Sure you do...let's see if copy and paste works...

Kale leaves 52
Cucumber 8
Celery Stalks 38
Apples 27
Lime 4.5
Ginger/pc. 12
Extra leaf 1
Cilantro/bunch 2
Spinach/handful 14
Carrots 17
Tomato 9
Beet 5
Italian Parsley/handful 4
Green Onion 4
Sweet Potato-lg 1
Bell Pepper-Gr 1
Bell Pepper-red/yellow 2
Honeydew Melon 1
Pears 2
Watermelon/wedge 1

Don't know the ratio of fruit to veggies, but it looks pretty good. Want to see my poor stuffed fridge? Sure you do......

And I am supposed to believe that the fridge will be empty in 7 days, and all that goodness will have been consumed by me. Sure it will.....

1 comment:

  1. you can save money buy growing your own herbs. Parsley in particular is a fast, easy grower. Also, go to local produce stands rather than super markets or GOD FORBID Wal-Mart and you will both save mega money AND support small local farmers.
